B Bright kids is an educational consultancy that believes incorporating 21st century skills in all aspect of education we believe if we introduce computer science and algorithim thinking to kids at earlier age, it helps improve kids in core areas like math, logic and even reading comprehension.



C4CODIN is an activity and project-based computer science club. The main aim of the club is to integrate the 21st century STEAM (science,technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) skills that your kids need at a very early stage in life.


We help school develop and integrate 21st century Curriculum. We develop a complete STEM and I.C. T practical based curriculum too. We also help training teachers on ICT and STEM Education.


We help develop responsive websites for organzation. We help develop an information management system for educational institutions to manage all students and staff data. We also help implement use of technology to plan, implement and assess the learning process.


We have a wide range of Do-it-Yourself Kits that teaches kids the rudiments of STEM Education. it also helps imbibe Project Based Learning.

We tutor people to be technology producer and digital literate through trainings, products and consultations.

To be one of the topnotch tech space to change the world by nurturing next generation tech producers.

  • Passion

    Having joy not just for the work itself but also for the surrounding people, so that everyone can be bold, innovative, and creative

  • Excellence

    Employees are driven by the value of creating exceptional experiences for employees and customers alike.

  • Personal development

    Encouraged to work towards personal and professional goals

  • Integrity

    Acting with strong ethics is a priority for everyone representing the organization and the company’s behavior as a whole

  • Teamwork

    When people work together, they can create something greater than themselves as individuals.

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